The Purge: Desperation


Content Warning

This game contains depictions of violence, kidnapping, gore, and offscreen child abuse. If you find these themes distressing, playing this game is not recommended.


Step into a world where chaos reigns and survival is uncertain. You are Hank, a widowed police officer struggling to protect your only son during the annual Purge. When Billy’s life hangs in the balance, you’re forced to leave the safety of your home to find life-saving medicine. But the night takes a dark turn when your past comes back to haunt you. Forced into an unimaginable nightmare, you must navigate a city overrun by criminals, face old enemies, and commit unspeakable acts to save your son. Every choice you make pulls you deeper into a moral abyss. Can you hold on to your humanity, or will you become a monster by the time the night ends? The Purge has begun. How far will you go to survive?

This game was made for the RPG Maker Horror Game Jam #5: Dark Streets

For any bugs found, please Email me: and I will do my best to fix them ASAP.


Don't save in the 15th slot, you'll know why

Bonus.RAR's password? Get the good ending and you will find it out


Playtime: 20 - 30 Minutes / 2 Endings



AAK581 - Lead Artist and Writer

@j.da.artist - Assistant Artist

AAK581 - Programmer



This game is a fan-made project inspired by the movie series "The Purge," created by James DeMonaco and produced by Blumhouse Productions. All rights to "The Purge" franchise, including its characters, storylines, and trademarks, are the property of their respective owners. This game is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by the creators or producers of "The Purge." This project is intended for entertainment purposes only, and no profit is being made from its creation or distribution.

PlatformsHTML5, Windows, macOS, Android
Release date Sep 02, 2024
Rated 4.4 out of 5 stars
(18 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
Made withRPG Maker, PixiJS
TagsAtmospheric, Creepy, Dark, Horror, Multiple Endings, Parody, Pixel Art, Psychological Horror, RPG Maker, Story Rich
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsKeyboard, Touchscreen


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

The Purge 136 MB
The Purge 43 MB
The Purge 180 MB
Bonus.rar 3.7 MB


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what an effectively dark experience! (which is verbose for: this was f*cked up but in a really good way XD)


the atmosphere and horror of this whole situation are conveyed really well. at first, the complete calm in hank's home (aside some mentions of safety precautions) made me lower my guard and believe, like the protagonists, that everything could be okay and the purge could just be avoided and treated like a normal day if you just stayed inside... but the moment billy's inhaler is empty and you need to go outside, reality hits. the combination of incessant screaming and thugs running all around made the outside feel super tense. the speed of everyone was a little jarring at first, but after a few seconds it dawns on you just how hard it's gonna be to avoid them, and you have no idea what these people will do to you if they catch you... it felt appropiately super dangerous, and everytime i had to go outside i felt a non insignificant amount of dread haha. and when dean and his lackeys broke into hank's house, forcing him to do all these horrible things... man, it's really hard to nail true desperation (heh) in a game, but you did it. seeing hank like this, wondering if it's even worth it for saving billy and watching how he does increasingly horrible things... it kinda made me sick to my stomach (in a good way ofc! haha). even so, the most visceral feeling you'll feel here is by far the sheer hate for dean lmao, that puntable bastard- the horror aspect was super well done, you really have a grasp on how to make a plot gripping and intense!:D

the art was really good!! hank and dean's faces were really expressive and sold me on their personalities a lot. i love how exaggerated hank's drawings are to show his anger, contrasted with how calm and on model dean looks. just some good old clever juxtaposition haha. loved also how hank's sprite and art would change and get bloodier as he killed more people, the sprite change is SUPER subtle but i the extra effort is really cool. i really liked how initially, gore is not seen anywhere, making me think subconsciously "oh ok, so there's no real graphic violence and the trigger warnings were probably just for the themes". then you see billy's ear, and suddenly "oh god oh shit there's actual gore-". then you start killing the thugs on the street (side note, really appreciated that you had to just touch them to kill them and it wasn't necessary to interact with them haha) and kinda become desensitized by the violence, thinking "oh okay, smashing people's heads with a wrench is probably about as hard with the gore and this will go, looks like i'm good!". and then you start finding billy's body pieces around your home (amazing sequence btw) and it's right back to "OH NO OH GOD OH MY GOD I HATE GAMES I'M NEVER PLAYING A GAME AGAIN-". just a really clever use of shock, and a rollercoaster of emotions haha. lastly, the cgs were great too! the way you used references was super cool (that's right i unlocked the bonus folder because i'm a true gamer™) and it didn't feel like you were plagiarizing those pics, it felt like you were taking inspiration of really smartly chosen pictures. and they're all really well drawn and have a good amount of detail; i'd say my favorite cg was the one in the bad ending, where hank hold's billy's head... man that look in his eyes is gonna stay with me haha.

(also i didn't know where to put this but the save slot thing was so clever! no idea if you could go around the house from the start or if it was exclusive from that save, but either way it was a really creative way to lead into the true ending :>)

if i had to criticize anything, i think hank and dean's designs felt a little too different from each other, like they weren't characters from the same universe. hank fits 100% with the game's tone and world, but dean kinda looks like a disney prince and it's a bit jarring (i KNEW you used a disney prince for reference! i'm always three steps ahead >:D haha). and obviously this isn't a dig at the game or your skills, but i feel like the rtp holds the flair back a bit. i would LOVE to see this game with an original tileset, or a dlc/fanmade one (like egg uses in their games). i think it would've made the presentation even more memorable, but as is the original art is still really great and the game overall is well designed and looks good!

this was a really great experience! and i think it's so cool that you decided to make a sequel based entirely on hank and billy living a happy life and nothing bad happening at all :D (*cries*)


Omg I got an oxymoron review!! I'm really glad you liked it!

If you touch the people running around you shout at the top of your lungs "BACK OFF...NOW" while brandishing your gun (at least when you have it) :)

Good job unlocking the bonus folder, true gamer behavior right there :))

Also no you can go behind your house only when you get the crowbar and before you kill anybody

The reason both characters look different is that I drew Hank on a 144*144 canva which was a mistake, the right thing is to use a 1280*1280 canva or something similar and then make it smaller XD

I am trying to make an original tileset, still don't know if I should go the parallax route or the tileset rout, definitely not having trouble with it XDD

Oh yeah sure it's a fun, little game and nothing bad happens :)

Woah this was really cool! I've only seen the first Purge film, but I think that's enough to understand where all this is coming from, inspiration wise. I love how much Hank cares for his son, especially with how hesitant he was to commit crimes to be able to keep him safe. I was shocked at the bad ending- I felt so bad waaa but also, I jumped hard when the bad guys knocked Hank out right when he came home- really good scare haha

I like everyone's expressions, it was a nice touch to have Hank "look" in the direction of the wrench, for example. I also really liked the different sound effects for the flooring, something I use in my own games often (:

One thing I'll say though, is it felt a bit lacking in music, though I know it's mostly used in tense/important situations. At times it just felt a bit empty, but I did appreciate all the people running around and the yelling/screaming/things on fire- really paints the picture of a purge going on, haha! This was really cool, nice entry!!


Thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked it!

Also yeah I don't want to use music so I resort to ambience, in Retrieval I got the hang of this more, though XD


Failed to load

audio/se/Footstep_Left_wood.ogg Bruh I can't even walk can't have $hit in Missouri

That's strange, which version?



For some reason the engine didn't export this file, and other similar files. I'll see what's wrong.

Alright it's fixed now, the engine didn't export the files cuz they weren't explicitly called and were used by a plugin instead. Should be working now.

Failed to load

audio/se/Footstep_Left_wood.ogg Still cant walk

Did the classic mistake of typing "wood" instead of "Wood" in the code, my bad XD

Weird thing is that the Windows version worked normally, it's the Web version that didn't

It's fixed now, sorry for the inconvenience


Gave this puppy a SPIN…

Since that YouTube deletes my comments sometimes for some reason:

Thanks a lot for playing my game! 

When did you download it? Cuz I think I know the issue

The error is right here ,30:53, the game progresses when you inspect each bloody part before you leave the room, which caused this bug that I fixed 3 weeks ago.

You can download the most recent version and continue where you left off if you keep the save files.


Very great story!
recorded myself playing the game 👻

Thanks a lot! I'm glad you liked it!


This was well made! I enjoyed it and found each of the two endings to be great! :D

(1 edit)

TheOdie himself !!

Thanks a lot for teaching me everything, your RPG Maker Horror Game Development tutorials are a life-saver cuz everything else was oriented towards fantasy games with battles and all that.

I'm glad you liked it :P


Not bad! Could use a little work, though.


Thanks for playing my game!

I do plan on practicing how to make parallax maps and my own characters for my next game, which would be a huge improvement


I'm about to upload a video on yt and I do have some honest opinion about the game, I liked it. And I'm here to support your work from now on!

Thank you sm! I'm open to receiving feedback, of course.

If you can post your video here, that would be great!



Looking forward to your other projects!


Drugged out YouTube deleted my comment twice so I'll just type a TLDR here:

Thank you for playing my game, I'm glad you liked it!

The password you received after the good ending is for the locked Bonus.RAR file that can be found in the downloaded versions. It's now uploaded individually so you can download and unlock it.

I've also modified the bad ending so what happened doesn't happen again, cuz it used to rely on the player interacting with the (items) on the ground.


thank you so much for this


Just had to replay it. The first, brutal ending didn't suit me :-)


Looks like you got your revenge then :)


I love this game so much. I sadly laugh so hard during serious scenes because of their facial expressions lmaoo /pos

(1 edit) (+1)

A friend of mine turned Hank's angry face into a WhatsApp sticker as a joke so yeah no hard feelings XD

Did you get both endings?


i can't get past the inhaler part? it says i found the item, cuts to the two men standing in the room, and then it says I still need to find it. pressing z & x or clicking all around the pharmacy does not let me pick anything up. what do i do?


Yeah I just discovered this, I will try to fix it as soon as possible



Alright all fixed now, have fun!


Hi, VGM Composer here to give you feedback!


I really liked the plot of the game as in the "purge" idea, that hook in itself brings a lot of other potential questions for a complete version of the game, in that alone you got a lot of points already.

The choice of dark ambient music was good, considering that I myself compose this specific type of music I'd say it's always a safe choice.

The presence of cutscenes is always a must for that extra mile and you did it, so good job.

Basic game mechanics of burning stuff and tunnel vision in the dark were okay.

The diverse range of facial expressions of the protagonist went an extra mile as well, good job.


Related to things you could and should fix right away are mostly related to sound and music. Let me explain why. Your art style is decent and its obvious that to improve that it'll be possible to be done in the long run. It's the same with the gameplay mechanics and level design, as is, for a game jam you did a pretty good job already.

Now with the sound issues:

Silence is an actual "composition technique" and you used it, but IMO it didn't work that well as it's probably best to use it in very high tension game levels such as the interior of the protagonists house when it got dark. In that regard you always have a choice of having a bgm in there or silence.

Where there should've been either bgm or ambient SFX: inside the hospital, inside the protagonist's house in the beginning and inside the police station.

During the street riot the scream SFX weren't looping properly, that really breaks immersion for the player.

So, if you didn't want to use music, then you could've used ambient SFX such as "room tone noise ambiences", footsteps and random noises from the ambient.

Also, the standard volume level of the SFX could be slightly lower as well.

That's it, good job!

Thanks for your feedback!


The game is set in the universe of a movie series called The Purge, which has that "everything is legal" annual event.

I didn't want to add music so I resorted to ambience instead, glad to know it works from someone who is an actual composer.

The story of a game is the aspect that I care about the most, so when I made my first game I put a lot of effort into writing a decent one. I have some experience as I've written three stories before and published them on Wattpad.

I wanted to add interactivity, even games classified as walking simulators like Observer and Layers Of Fear have some gameplay. I'm glad it paid off.

It wasn't easy, my first time doing something like that, but producing results was really satisfying.


Footsteps is an excellent idea, I will make sure to look it up next time. I indeed didn't want to use music so it was either ambience or silence. The street sfx starts as soon as I go into the street, I think I can randomize this by having three street sfx tracks and using some sort of random variable that starts one of them randomly. Next time, I suppose. And yeah you're right the street sfx needs to be a bit lower. If I have to update the game cuz of a bug or a feature I want to add I'll make sure to fix this.

Once again, thanks a lot for your feedback. It was really helpful!

(1 edit) (+1)

It has an incredibly beautiful scenario, interactive endings and beautifully designed characters. Definitely worth the time. A game as special as its creator❤️❤️

Thank you so much for your amazing review. Much appreciated.

You're more special tho ❤️❤️


nice game. Nice art and nice story. Nice characters face reactions. I like this game.

Thanks a lot!

It's not my first published (sorta) story, it's my fourth one, but it's my first time drawing like this. The embarrassing drafts are in the locked bonus ZIP file in the Windows version 😂

Hint: Get the good ending to receive the password 🙃


The game was really fun to play tbh, and im so glad i got to be part of it. It was fun to assist my brother, and I hope we can work on a project together again 🤍

I should've been the main artist

You were a massive help, especially with the reference photos you sent. Thank you so much 🤍

next time next time


Very good Game

Thanks a lot! I'm glad you liked it.


hey testing if comments work! Can’t wait to play it for real. 


They work, turns out I'm the moderator and not Itch itself 😂

Also thanks a lot! Same goes for your game too.