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i can't get past the inhaler part? it says i found the item, cuts to the two men standing in the room, and then it says I still need to find it. pressing z & x or clicking all around the pharmacy does not let me pick anything up. what do i do?


Yeah I just discovered this, I will try to fix it as soon as possible



Alright all fixed now, have fun!


Hi, VGM Composer here to give you feedback!


I really liked the plot of the game as in the "purge" idea, that hook in itself brings a lot of other potential questions for a complete version of the game, in that alone you got a lot of points already.

The choice of dark ambient music was good, considering that I myself compose this specific type of music I'd say it's always a safe choice.

The presence of cutscenes is always a must for that extra mile and you did it, so good job.

Basic game mechanics of burning stuff and tunnel vision in the dark were okay.

The diverse range of facial expressions of the protagonist went an extra mile as well, good job.


Related to things you could and should fix right away are mostly related to sound and music. Let me explain why. Your art style is decent and its obvious that to improve that it'll be possible to be done in the long run. It's the same with the gameplay mechanics and level design, as is, for a game jam you did a pretty good job already.

Now with the sound issues:

Silence is an actual "composition technique" and you used it, but IMO it didn't work that well as it's probably best to use it in very high tension game levels such as the interior of the protagonists house when it got dark. In that regard you always have a choice of having a bgm in there or silence.

Where there should've been either bgm or ambient SFX: inside the hospital, inside the protagonist's house in the beginning and inside the police station.

During the street riot the scream SFX weren't looping properly, that really breaks immersion for the player.

So, if you didn't want to use music, then you could've used ambient SFX such as "room tone noise ambiences", footsteps and random noises from the ambient.

Also, the standard volume level of the SFX could be slightly lower as well.

That's it, good job!

Thanks for your feedback!


The game is set in the universe of a movie series called The Purge, which has that "everything is legal" annual event.

I didn't want to add music so I resorted to ambience instead, glad to know it works from someone who is an actual composer.

The story of a game is the aspect that I care about the most, so when I made my first game I put a lot of effort into writing a decent one. I have some experience as I've written three stories before and published them on Wattpad.

I wanted to add interactivity, even games classified as walking simulators like Observer and Layers Of Fear have some gameplay. I'm glad it paid off.

It wasn't easy, my first time doing something like that, but producing results was really satisfying.


Footsteps is an excellent idea, I will make sure to look it up next time. I indeed didn't want to use music so it was either ambience or silence. The street sfx starts as soon as I go into the street, I think I can randomize this by having three street sfx tracks and using some sort of random variable that starts one of them randomly. Next time, I suppose. And yeah you're right the street sfx needs to be a bit lower. If I have to update the game cuz of a bug or a feature I want to add I'll make sure to fix this.

Once again, thanks a lot for your feedback. It was really helpful!

(1 edit) (+1)

It has an incredibly beautiful scenario, interactive endings and beautifully designed characters. Definitely worth the time. A game as special as its creator❤️❤️

Thank you so much for your amazing review. Much appreciated.

You're more special tho ❤️❤️


nice game. Nice art and nice story. Nice characters face reactions. I like this game.

Thanks a lot!

It's not my first published (sorta) story, it's my fourth one, but it's my first time drawing like this. The embarrassing drafts are in the locked bonus ZIP file in the Windows version 😂

Hint: Get the good ending to receive the password 🙃


The game was really fun to play tbh, and im so glad i got to be part of it. It was fun to assist my brother, and I hope we can work on a project together again 🤍

I should've been the main artist

You were a massive help, especially with the reference photos you sent. Thank you so much 🤍

next time next time


Very good Game

Thanks a lot! I'm glad you liked it.


hey testing if comments work! Can’t wait to play it for real. 


They work, turns out I'm the moderator and not Itch itself 😂

Also thanks a lot! Same goes for your game too.